Total Drilling
Establishment and general contractor at 60 Sandringham Avenue, Thornton, NSW 2322, Australia. Here you will find detailed information about Total Drilling: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
Contact Information
Establishment General contractor
60 Sandringham Avenue
NSW 2322
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Opening hours
Monday | 07:30am — 04:30pm |
Tuesday | 07:30am — 04:30pm |
Wednesday | 07:30am — 04:30pm |
Thursday | 07:30am — 04:30pm |
Friday | 07:30am — 04:30pm |

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Questions & Answers
1. What is the phone number for Total Drilling
The phone number for Total Drilling is .2. Where is Total Drilling located?
Total Drilling is located at 60 Sandringham Avenue Thornton, NSW 2322.3. Is there a primary contact for Total Drilling
You can contact Total Drilling by phone using number .4. What is the web address (URL) for Total Drilling
The website for Total Drilling is
Total Drilling Pty Ltd Geotechnical & Environmental Drilling
Total Drilling Pty. Ltd. is an Australian owned and operated GeoEnvironmental drilling company based in Newcastle in the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales.
<link rel="shortcut icon" src="favicon.ico.jpg" type="image/x-icon" > Total Drilling, geoenvironmental, drilling rigs, Solid Flight Auger, Hollow Auger, Air Hammer, Sim-cas Casing Advancer, Mud Rotary, Pushtube, Nmlc, NQ3 and HQ3 Total Drilling, geothermal, geotech, geotechnical, enviro, drill, drilling, environmental, drilling rigs, Solid Flight Auger, Hollow Auger, Air Hammer, Sim-cas, Casing Advancer, Mud Rotary, Pushtube, Nmlc, NQ3, HQ3, diamond core, piezometer, incl
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Today's weather in Thornton NSW
13:00 26 ℃ 1021 hPa 55 % 2 m/s 16:00
28 ℃ 1019 hPa 49 % 3 m/s 19:00
22 ℃ 1019 hPa 72 % 4 m/s 22:00
20 ℃ 1020 hPa 80 % 2 m/s
Tomorrow's weather in Thornton NSW
01:00 18 ℃ 1019 hPa 89 % 1 m/s 04:00
17 ℃ 1019 hPa 95 % 1 m/s 07:00
18 ℃ 1021 hPa 85 % 1 m/s 10:00
28 ℃ 1020 hPa 51 % 1 m/s 13:00
33 ℃ 1017 hPa 38 % 1 m/s 16:00
31 ℃ 1015 hPa 43 % 3 m/s 19:00
23 ℃ 1016 hPa 72 % 3 m/s 22:00
20 ℃ 1017 hPa 87 % 1 m/s